Reactivity of highly excited and highly charged molecules
24-27 Feb 2014 Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (France)

1st Meeting of the XLIC Working Group 2

The 1st Meeting of the XLIC WG2 is organized in the framework of the COST Action CM1204 (XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry). It will take place in Port-en-Bessin (France) from February 24th to February 27th, 2014.

This meeting will bring together experts from different disciplines (physics, chemistry, experience, theory) to discuss the problems of the stability of highly excited and highly charged molecules in the gas phase and  their reactivity (for example interaction with other molecules and formation of new species through isomerization and/or fragmentation).

In particular, the following subjects will be discussed:

-  selective fragmentation of biomolecular systems of increasing complexity (from isolated molecules to clusters);

-  stability and reactivity of nano-solvated systems vs. isolated charged molecules;

-  dynamics of different relaxation processes, reflecting energy and charge flow processes in complex systems that can imply a vast number of relaxation pathways.



Important dates

Registration: January 15th, 2014

Hotel payment: January 20th, 2014

Abstract submission: January 31st, 2014

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