Reactivity of highly excited and highly charged molecules
24-27 Feb 2014 Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (France)


All participants are required to register for 1st Meeting of the XLIC WG 2 before the deadline of January 15th, 2014.

To register you need to create an account on the website. Afterward, in MY SPACE you have to fill the registration form to be registered for the conference.

The participants during the meeting will be accommodated in the Mercure Omaha Beach hotel. The room prices are (including breakfast):

  • 100 per night in a single room;
  • 55 per night per person in a double room;
  • 45 per night per person in a triple room (limited number of places).

Meals (24th February – dinner, 25th February – lunch and dinner, 26th February – lunch and dinner, 27th February – lunch) are at a flat rate of 20 per meal.

Therefore, the room and full board cost of the meeting (24th-27th February 2014) is:

  • 420 € in a single room;
  • 285 € per person in a twin room;
  • 255 € per person in a triple room.

There are no additional registration fees to participate in the meeting.

If you what to stay longer/shorter please contact the Meeting Office at

The payment is required to complete registration otherwise the room booking could not be guaranteed. Participants have to pay the proper cost of the room and board directly to the Mercure Omaha beach hotel via bank transfer before January 20th, 2014.

The bank information are:

Bank name: Credit Agricole Normandie
Account holder: Omaha Beach SCS, Ferme de Castel, 14520 Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
Bank code: 16606
Agency code: 53617
Account number: 09337382500
IBAN: FR76 1660 6536 1709 3373 8250 049

Please, indicate the reference XLIC+your name to make the payment identification easier.

If you want to pay by credit card, please contact the Meeting Office at

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